
Thursday, May 13, 2010

More bad news at One Herald Plaza

Further proof this week that the Miami Herald just isn't getting the job done: Last week, Miami New Times staff writer Tim Elfrink wrote a short item for the paper's blog about Miami-Dade mayor Carlos Alvarez "posting an official county bid notice for his new work car... a BMW 500i Gran Turismo."

Apparently recognizing a good story when they see one, reporters at CBS4 and NBC Miami followed up this week.

But Anders Gyllenhaal, the Herald's executive editor, has yet to assign anyone to do a story on the mayor's latest attempt to stick it to Miami-Dade taxpayers.

Perhap's Gyllenhaal's lethargy can be explained. Maybe he just doesn't care any longer. Or could it be that he's preoccupied with more of Dave Barry's simpleton humor?

Morale at One Herald Plaza took another hit yesterday when Gyllenhaal and his employees got more bad news.

Miami Herald Publisher David Landsberg informed newsroom staffers via email that they will be required to take a one week unpaid furlough again this year.

Last year, staffers were also required to take a one week unpaid furlough as part of a series of cost-saving measures instituted at the paper.

In his e-mail, Landsberg said that while things were improving at the paper, revenue was still lagging.

Landsberg told affected employees that they must take their unpaid week off before September 30. That prompted one staffer to note that the furloughs will have to be taken in the middle of the summer vacation period. Said the staffer, "Who's going to be left to put out the paper?"

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