
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Michael Putney has a question for Mayor Carlos Alvarez

In case you missed it, Channel 10's Michael Putney ended his Sunday show today with a simple question for Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Alvarez:
Before we leave you this morning, a personal perspective about the campaign to recall Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Alvarez and his stated desire to keep his job through the end of his term next year.

This week the mayor told the Kendall Federation of Homeowners that he deserves to keep his job because the budget he proposed - with a tax hike for longtime homeowners - was the responsible thing to do. Okay, that's an argument worth considering.

But here's the main thing to consider: the mayor told the group he wants - and looks forward to - a recall election because that will provide a clear-cut decision on whether he should stay or go.

But if that's true, why did the mayor file a humongous lawsuit on Monday fighting his recall?

This big filing will take some time for the court to consider, and will just kick the can down the road delaying a decision and possibly pushing a recall election later than March 15th.

Mayor Alvarez is trying to have it both ways. He says he wants an election to let the people decide. But he files a lawsuit to stop the election.

So, which is it Mr. Mayor?

If you really want the people to decide and you want that election, then drop your lawsuit.

Who's in charge here, you or your lawyers?

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