
Saturday, October 08, 2011

The way we were...Miami Ice

Click image to enlarge.

From the Miami Daily News, Oct. 10, 1927.

84 years ago in Miami.

Before "Miami Vice," there was Miami Ice, a $7 million industry.

"Without ICE," the ad says, "Miami could not maintain modern standards of living - could not invite the world to its doors."


  1. Note the two inclusions of Florida Power and Light in the Ice Manufacturers' Assn. listing. Many ice plants had electrical generators to power the equipment to make ice. Since the ice-making job was typically a 9-to-5 operation, they sold off their surplus electricity during the evening and overnight times. They soon realized that selling electricity was more lucrative than selling ice, and the rest, as they say, is history.

  2. @ Whack: You know your ice!!!


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