
Wednesday, August 08, 2012

The way we were...Getting tough on speeders in 1912

One hundred years ago this week:

Miami's police chief proposed a 12 mile an hour speed limit on city streets.

"No more speeding on the highways in the city of Miami," said the chief.

According to a story in the Aug. 10, 1912 issue of the Miami Daily Metropolis,  the police chief told his officers to arrest any violator "whether white or black, rich or poor.

"Further," the paper reported, "it will make no difference whether the person afflicted with the speed mania rides a second hand bicycle or whether he propels a 40-horsepower $5,000 touring car..."

Miami Daily Metropolis, Aug. 10, 1912.

1 comment:

  1. Much like today's Herald, the Miami Daily Metropolis was poorly proofread. In the second graf, it should be 'gait,' sted 'gate.'

    Homophones -- they'll getcha every time!


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