
Friday, June 21, 2013

And the Award For the Most Asinine Performance By a Miami TV Reporter During the NBA Finals....

...goes to Ben Kennedy of Local 10.

This week the producers at Local 10 managed to transform their station into a 100% News-Free Zone.

Each and every segment of the station's news programming contained elements of a carnival side show and a bad car wreck.

And just like that car wreck, I knew I shouldn't have been watching, but I couldn't tear myself away.

Here's Local 10's Ben Kennedy reporting yesterday on whether or not LeBron James would wear his headband in Game 7.

Note to Ben: This is not how Peter Jennings and Walter Cronkite got their start.


  1. Thursday night, even given the unique circumstances of Game 7 being later that night, during 90 minutes of Local10 newcasts from 5-6:30, other than the 4 breaks for weather updates, the only non-Miami Heat story was the George Zimmerman trial. That's the whole list.
    (I even watched it again on my DVR to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.)

    Also, the whole thing with Local10 anchor Calvin Hughes constantly bringing-up his kids and what they think of something during newscasts is just TOO, TOO MUCH.
    Not just cloying, but it almost seems like an 'insiders' drinking game to see who's actually paying attention.

    Miami, often still barely part of America, and almost completely journalism-free this Summer.

  2. The newscasters of 10 need to move on, the senseless jabbering has turned me and my family off from the station. I love it when K, Roberts during the elections shut down their team when they made a conclusion or statement about the recent presidential election.


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