Lincoln Road rules of etiquette
Just a few observations from a sweltering Lincoln Rd. on Sunday.
Who can blame this guy for walking down Lincoln Rd. chugging a cold, frosty Heineken from a paper bag? It was hot as hell Sunday! But if that's what you want to do please be discreet and try not to draw attention to yourself. However that's a bit of a challenge when you're 6'5" tall and screaming drunken profanities at passersby.
By all means bring your dog for a walk on Lincoln Rd. but please don't do this. Dogs aren't babies or little children and behavior like this, in the eyes of some, constitutes cruel and unusual punishment. Dogs like (and need) to walk and explore and scratch and sniff. Actually had it been up to me I would have let the drunk guy go and arrested this woman.
haha. i prob would've done the same.