Babalu's hater-in-chief is one Henry Louis Gomez.
Henry runs a blog called Heraldwatch that he doesn't bother to update and no one bothers to read.
Henry's reasons for hating the Herald are numerous.
But basically he faults the Herald for printing the truth.
Since the Herald won't parrot the Miami right-wing, hard-liner version of what goes on in Cuba and in Miami's exile community, then the Herald must be anti-Cuban. Right?
Other reasons Henry hates the Herald are because of some columns written almost half a century ago by columnist Jack Kofoed, and the fact that columnist Ana Menendez dares to think independently, and other various crimes and misdemeanors.
Henry specializes in sweeping generalizations. Writes Henry: "...along the way they've [the Herald] alienated pretty much the entire community they are supposed to serve."
Yes, Henry, we've heard all of your reasons for hating the Herald before. But like a lounge singer who only knows five songs, you've become tiresome and predictable.
If the Herald were to fold tomorrow Henry, what would you replace it with?
One of the more ironic things is that the Herald is a loyal sponsor of Cuba Nostalgia every year. But because they aren't consistently and 100% in agreement with the hardliner position, babalu can't help but hate them and hope and pray for their demise.