Friday, November 12, 2010

The most anticipated TV event of the year...

....happens this Sunday at 11:30 am on Channel 10.

The fallout from a Random Pixels Exclusive Investigation continues!

Channel 10 veteran political reporter Michael Putney said late this afternoon that he has lined up Miami-Dade mayor Carlos Alvarez for a rare, live, one-on-one interview this Sunday on This Week in South Florida.

Putney told me that he had been trying all week to get Alvarez on his show to discuss the county documents that I published Monday.

The documents revealed that some 3,301 county employees make over $100,000 a year.

Putney said that the mayor finally agreed this afternoon to appear on Sunday's show.

Putney will almost certainly ask the mayor about other issues including the effort to recall him.

You don't want to miss this. You'll be telling your grand kids about this years from now!

1 comment:

  1. Will Putney, whose standards I've liked since we both were young, join others in the media elite in seeking nothing wrong in paying so much to so few? I suspect he thinks all police officers, and librarians, deserve all they can get and we should pay our school teachers like amounts.
    We'll see, come Sunday.


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