Need proof that Trump supporters are as dumb as ever?
Via CNN's New Day:
"Trump voters give the president a grade after his first months in the White House."
Alisyn Camerota: "Josh, what grade to you give President Trump?"
Josh Youssef: "I give President Trump an 'A.' "
Camerota: "Based on what? What accomplishments do you think he can hang his hat on."
Josh: "I think it's premature to ask that question."
Trump voters give the president a grade after his first months in the White House— New Day (@NewDay) March 30, 2017
Josh Youssef, by the way, is a New Hampshire birther who has posted a 22 minute video on You Tube titled, "Proof that Obama's birth certificate is a forgery - an impeachable felony."
And right after Youssef grades the president, another genius supporter - Paulie DiBartolo - also gives Trump an "A."
"What do you base that grade on?" Camerota asks.
"We see that he's working with Ford Motor Company to build three plants in the United States and a major league investment in the United States as opposed to moving those jobs, or keeping those jobs in Mexico," DiBartolo answers. (Unsurprisingly, on Twitter Di Bartolo has 9 followers.)
Actually, DiBartolo is just as dumb and ill-informed as most Trumpettes are. Why cite actual facts when you can just pull stuff out of your ass?
According to CNBC, "Trump is taking credit for deals struck while Obama was president."
Ford announced on Tuesday the company would invest $1.2 billion in three facilities in Michigan where it will build trucks and SUVs, and store electronic data.
President Donald Trump took to Twitter to link the news to his efforts to increase manufacturing by automakers within the US.
The problem? The investment announced on Tuesday actually stemmed from a 2015 deal negotiated between Ford and the United Auto Workers union.
Under that 2015 collective bargaining agreement, Ford committed itself to investing $9 billion in US plants with the expectation of creating or retaining 8,500 jobs across a number of states, including Michigan.
NBC News: After Just Ten Weeks, Trump Teeters on the Brink
Need more proof of the stupidity of Trump supporters?