
Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Herald publisher: "We're here to stay."

Miami Herald publisher David Landsberg has cut a slick TV spot - in both English and Spanish - that will launch this month.

The commercial is a video version of his "Message to Readers and Advertisers" posted on the paper's website March 22.

The spot appears to be part of the Herald's ongoing campaign to assure not only readers, but advertisers, that the Herald is here to stay.

In the video, a slightly catatonic Landsberg assures his rapt audience that the Herald's committment to South Florida won't change.

Watching this ad was like deja vu all over again.

In the early 90's I covered stories involving Eastern Airlines and Pan Am - both were struggling for survival.

I witnessed the filming of eerily similar and elaborately produced ad campaigns for both carriers designed to inform consumers that everything was just fine.

In 1991 both airlines went belly up.

1 comment:

  1. It's like someone thought up a bunch of lines that would look nice when quoted and then made him say it while looking in different directions.

    Not convincing, not sincere, and certainly not at all true.


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