
Sunday, May 23, 2010

2009's 2010's Worst Most Morally Bankrupt South Florida Politician

Last year Random Pixels named Miami-Dade mayor Carlos Alvarez as 2009's worst politician in South Florida.

We're not even half-way through 2010 but it looks like Carlos Alvarez is once again the odds on favorite to win the award again this year.

Consider today's Miami Herald story on the deep emotional attachment Miami-Dade commissioners and mayor have for their Lexuses and BMWs.

The Herald's Matthew Haggman reports: "County Mayor Carlos Alvarez, already provided two county-owned Chevy Suburbans and two drivers to crisscross South Florida, is poised to take possession of a new BMW 550i Gran Turismo sedan. Taxpayers will cover a big chunk of the cost."

But this quote from Alvarez propels him into first place as not only the worst South Florida public servant, but also the most morally bankrupt:
"If they take this car, then what car do I have?" asked Alvarez, who earns a $233,123 salary and $92,187 in benefits. "This is my personal car."
Now, that's chutzpah!

Is it any wonder that many consider Miami one of the most corrupt cities in the nation?

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