
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Gossip from One Herald Plaza

Miami Herald staffers are still digesting last week's memo from publisher David Landsberg informing them that they will be forced to take an un-paid one week furlough again this year.

And some are wondering if executive editor Anders Gyllenhaal brought back more bad news from Herald parent company McClatchy headquarters in Sacramento. Gyllenhaal reportedly spent a few days there this week where McClatchy's 2010 annual shareholders meeting was taking place.

Some staffers are incensed that the forced one week furloughs will all but wipe out the small gains they realized when 2% pay increases were re-instated this year.

Others are wondering how much more they'll be asked to sacrifice, especially in light of the news earlier this month that "Gary Pruitt, the chief executive of [Herald parent] McClatchy, was paid $2.6 million last year, up 61 percent."

One staffer, when reminded of Pruitt's pay raise said, "Thanks you so much; that's one more reason for me to get shit-faced tonight."

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