
Monday, May 24, 2010

A little gift for Miami-Dade taxpayers

News item from the Miami Herald:

When County Hall's budget ax fell last year, the mayor and commissioners slashed more than $400 million in jobs and spending. Yet one perk was preserved: Their taxpayer-subsidized luxury cars.
County Mayor Carlos Alvarez, already provided two county-owned Chevy Suburbans and two drivers to crisscross South Florida, is poised to take possession of a new BMW 550i Gran Turismo sedan. Taxpayers will cover a big chunk of the cost.

Click image to enlarge.

So here's a nifty desktop wallpaper for your work or home computer to remind you daily of Mayor Alvarez's arrogance!


  1. I don't know. I just can't get too mad at a guy who is just taking full advantage of what the law allows him to take. He's allowed $800 a month for his car expense. He's taking that and then paying the balance out of his pocket to cover the lease.

    I think it's a case of wasteful spending but let's change the benefits package instead of railing against the guy who is merely taking what he is entitled to under the law.


  2. The benefits package was probably approved years ago when things were better. Just because he's entitled to it doesn't make it right!

  3. Certainly not, Bill. In fact, I would think a lot of him if he gave up some or all of that allowance. But the fact is, he's entitled to it as it now stands.

    I think the best way that voters could voice their displeasure is by voting out the commissioners and politicians who support those entitlements even as the government flounders.



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