
Monday, September 09, 2013

First the Miami Herald announces the launch of 'Caliente' this....Oy Vey!

Late last night I got this email from someone at the Miami Herald taking me to task for poking fun at Miami Herald publisher David Landsberg's email announcing the launch of the Herald's new Spanish-language new tabloid, Caliente:
Hey, Bill:

You are being much too hard on Mr. Landsberg.

Clearly, you do not have the makings of a McClatchy publisher in this, The Summer of Career Survival and Revenue Maximization Ahead of The Annual Bonus.

Sure, previous publishers resigned rather than sell their souls, but Mr. Landsberg and his managers are made of more flexible stuff. In fact, here is a sneak peek at next week’s innovation and Landsberg's planned email announcing it

Logo for the Miami Herald's new tabloid, "Oy Vey!"
(Click to enlarge.)

From: Landsberg, David
Date: TBD
Subject: Oy Vey!
To: MIA All Herald Users

We are excited to announce that beginning Sept. 25, The Miami Herald Media Co. is launching Oy Vey!, a free Yiddish-inspired tabloid, and a fresh idea for our market.

Oy Vey! is pastrami-in-cheek fun, but not too much fun because life isn’t all jokes and laughter, is it? This makes perfect business sense for us: it targets the six remaining Jews in Miami-Dade County, all of whom are too well educated to consume our other products.

What a punim!
The 40-page tabloid features chicken soup recipes (no shortage), Nebbishes in the ‘Hood (our Woody Allen look-alike contest), a holiday feature (“Yom Kippur or Yum Kippur – Should Jews Fast or Nosh on the Holiest of Days?”), fashion tips from mom (“Bubula, You’re Wearing That?!”), career guidance – for doctors and lawyers, financial advice for genetic cheapskates, no sports whatsoever, and photos not only of Bette Midler but also of Natalie Portman (What a punim on THAT one!).

It will be interactive, not that most of its readers will know how to get on the Internet. Fun, but again, not too much fun because…well…you know. Our website will be it’sokdear-l’

Our initial launch, at exactly six copies, will go to two targeted homes in Kendall, two in North Miami Beach and one each in Aventura and on Fisher Island.

We'll share further details on the launch shortly, we should be so lucky and God willing.


1 comment:

  1. David Landsberg - Mensch or meshugina, who can say?


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