"Have you ever had a red hot poker shoved up your a**? Have you ever had a broomstick shoved up your a**? Have you ever had anything in your a**? How would you know how it feels if it never happened to you? Admit it, you liked it? No wonder why you like to stay in South Beach on your Miami visits."
Now you're probably wondering where those six sentences came from. And your first guess might be that I lifted them from a script for a really bad gay porn flick.
But guess again.
Those lines were allegedly uttered by the Miami Herald's Guantanamo correspondent Carol Rosenberg to a United States Navy commander.
According to a story first reported yesterday by Fishbowl DC, a US Navy Commander has filed a sexual harassment complaint against Rosenberg.
The commander, Jeffrey D. Gordon, the Pentagon Spokesman for Western Hemisphere and Guantanamo issues, made the allegations against Rosenberg in a July 22, 2009 letter to Miami Herald executive editor Anders Gyllenhaal.
(A copy of Cmdr. Gordon's letter to Gyllenhaal can be seen here.)
Washington Post media writer Howard Kurtz filed a story today which repeats the allegations.
Kurtz also quotes several journalists who come to Rosenberg's defense:
"Jamie McIntyre, a former CNN Pentagon correspondent, said of Rosenberg's interactions with Gordon: 'I didn't think there was any sort of sexual abuse, unless you're telling me a naval officer, a sailor, isn't used to hearing anatomical references in anger. It sounds like an overreaction on everybody's part.' He said Rosenberg 'was always professional in her demeanor when I was around her.' "But Gordon alleges that Rosenberg said this of McIntyre:
"You're kissing his [butt] so much that I can't believe you're letting him stay with the rest of us. Do you love him?"Apparently this is not the first time that Gordon has complained about Rosenberg's behavior. Kurtz reports:
"In his letter this week, Gordon said he appreciated Gyllenhaal's efforts last July, after a previous complaint to the Herald, 'to correct Carol Rosenberg's patently offensive conduct,' but was 'disappointed that the results were merely temporary.' "If that's the case it appears that Rosenberg may be getting some special treatment from Gyllenhaal.
One wonders if Gyllenhaal would tolerate this sort of conduct on the part of a male reporter. While some of her her colleagues may not consider Rosenberg's remarks and conduct to be offensive, they are at the very least, unprofessional.
And if true, then perhaps it's time for Gyllenhaal to replace Rosenberg.
And of course, so far, the Herald's published nothing on this matter. Surprised?
Thanks to Rick at SFDB for the heads up.
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