Friday, December 04, 2009

Random Pixels presents 'Right Wing Psycho Talk'

Alaska's former Quitter-in-Chief, Sarah Palin, continues to criss-cross the nation selling books and giving interviews to anyone who'll listen.

She's also raising a little holiday cash by selling photos of herself taken with people who show up at her book signings.

And today we learn that she'd still rather stir up crap rather than offer up real solutions to the problems that the country faces.

In a radio interview she said that she said thinks that questions about Barack Obama's citizenship are fair.

And now comes Arlington, Tennessee mayor Russell Wiseman, who, in a post on his Facebook page, offered his opinion on why Barack Obama chose to give his Afghanistan speech on Tuesday night: Obama wanted to block the Christian message of the "Peanuts Christmas Special."

Said the mayor:
"Ok, so, this is total crap, we sit the kids down to watch 'The Charlie Brown Christmas Special' and our muslim president is there, what a load.....try to convince me that wasn't done on purpose.
The mayor is also pissed that one of his 1600 Facebook friends forwarded his post to the newspaper.
"It's ridiculous for someone to send my Facebook post," Wiseman said. "You guys are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill."
The mayor has learned the hard way - like Tiger Woods - that those seemingly private, random acts of stupidity, don't remain private for very long.

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