It's been over a year since Carlos Alvarez Jr. - the son of Miami-Dade mayor Carlos Alvarez - was released from state prison in Oct. 2008 after serving a 13½ year stretch for kidnapping and a series of violent sexual assaults he committed in 1994.
I was going through some of my older posts today and clicked on Alvarez Jr's FDLE link to see if it had been updated.
And I was surprised to see that the state, is indeed, keeping tabs on young Carlito, who's still classified as a "sexual predator."
They've posted a new, updated mug shot. In it, Carlos has lost that prison buzz cut in favor of a more trendy and stylish do.
And Carlos has moved from his former digs near Bird Road and Ludlam.
According to the FDLE he's now living at 914 SW 140th Ave.
A check of an aerial image shows a single family dwelling smack in the middle of a densely-packed neighborhood.

According to the Miami-Dade County property appraiser's Website, young Carlos' new crib is a 1500 sq. ft., 4 bedroom, 2 bath house that was bought in April, 2009 for $220,000.
The owner is listed as a Carlos Alvarez with a different mailing address.
Carlos' home is a short drive - about 2.5 miles - to W.R. Thomas Middle School and an equally short drive - about 3 miles - to the Zora Neale Hurston Elementary School.
But we don't have to worry about Carlito accosting any school kids because at night he's probably living under the bridge on the Julia Tuttle. Right?
So much for the BS that under a bridge is the only place where sex offenders can live.
ReplyDeleteI don't comment at Random Pixels enough, but I really enjoy the reporting that goes on here.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the great work!
I am disgusted - I was one of the ones he tried to kidnap. I was 19 at the time. They railroaded us to agree to the plea. And no one bothered to call me up and give me a heads up that he was out. I thought I could count on at least that. Now I know he's just around the corner. Wonderful job Dade County.
ReplyDeleteI hope your life has returned to some sense of normalcy.
Something about this case stinks and hopefully the truth will come out one day.