Tuesday, May 07, 2013

The way we were...Don Wright's Watergate cartoons

Forty years ago today the Washington Post won the Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of the Watergate scandal.

No one at Miami's two newspapers won a Pulitzer that year, but Miami News cartoonist Don Wright was producing some of the best work of his career, much of it inspired by Watergate.

(When Wright retired from cartooning a few years ago, he had two Pulitzers under his belt.

Here's a selection of some of Wright's best Watergate-inspired work from 1973.

May 8, 1973.
(Click all images to enlarge.)

May 23, 1973.

June 16, 1973.

Sept. 6, 1973.

Sept. 20, 1973.

Sept. 26, 1973.