The LA Times reports that Couric made a quiet debut on the popular site in February.
So far she's posted 33 videos that show her at her silliest and giddiest. She's only on TV for 30 minutes day, but apparently spends the other 23 and a 1/2 hours chortling and giggling.
The videos, shot in a cinéma-vérité that's only slightly less shaky than a soccer mom's footage of her daughter's ballet recital, haven't gotten many hits.
Her TV ratings suck, but she does even worse on YouTube. Her channel so far has less than 25,000 views.
Piano playing cats do much better.
So what do Katie and a dead goldfish have in common?
In one of her videos, Katie conducts a ponderous interview with Sen. Joe Biden and concludes by telling him to watch another YouTube video called "Lucky's funeral" wherein a cute 3 yr.-old girl named Maya dispatches her dead goldfish into the hereafter by giving him the royal flush!
Katie's right; it's a hoot!
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