The New York Post reported:
[T]he wild chase began with just six officers in three vehicles "officially" radioing in that they were in hot pursuit, but witnesses said it quickly grew to an armada of 30 cops and an air unit giving chase.And today, you've no doubt seen this video of a dog using a police car as a chew toy in Tennessee about two weeks ago...and how could you have missed it? The video, made available today, has been running on cable news channels about every 10 minutes non-stop.
It was such a flood of men and women in blue that the manager of the Erik Parking facility feared that the world was coming to an end.
"I thought maybe there was something in the car, like a bomb or something," said Eklas Chowdhury, 43. "I was shocked when they were looking under the car. There were at least 30 police.
The AP is reporting that the dog - whose name is Winston - must attend anger management classes!
Here's a view of the attack from another police car.
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