Sigler |
Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Victoria Sigler in court yesterday issuing an order to attorneys for Miami Beach requiring them to turn over crime scene photographs taken following the 2011 Memorial Day weekend shooting that left 22-year-old Raymond Herisse dead.
"May they be color, may they be black and white, may they be moving, may they be still, maybe they exist on CD, maybe they exist in the old film negatives -- I don't care what you call them, if somebody took a coloring book and colored some pictures of Mr. Herisse as he lay dead in the street, it is your obligation to turn them over now."
-via Local 10
I agree with the judge, but unfortunately the republican legislature in Tallahassee passed a law last year forbidding the release of photos or any evidence when someone Is killed. My guess is this was done under pressure from law enforcement lobbyists to protect them from public outrage when they gun down average citizens. So the judge can rail and scream all she wants but under current law no one is going to see those photos.